Tristin Storme
Tristin-Storme is the CEO of Default To Design Group and creator of the transformative LIFE ALIGNED LEGACY PROGRAM. She assists people who are ready to move out of the dungeons of default and become the master designers of their own lives. She is passionate about seeing her clients THRIVE in all aspects of their lives and helping come home to their inherent value!
Title of Talk
Know thy "selves"
Description of Talk
To change your external reality, we need to create harmony within. Tristin-Storme guides you to meet the inner child, inner critic and brings you home to your inner Sage.
Free Gift
Reparent your inner child master class.
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Free Gift Description
To change your external reality, we need to create harmony within. Tristin-Storme guides you to meet the inner child, inner critic and brings you home to your inner Sage.
Speaker Contact Information
Website: https://www.tristinstormecoaching.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lifealignedlegacy/