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A free virtual online experience

It takes 21 days to create a new habit and lifestyle.
Join us for 21 days to encode your Clair Mindset!

21 Days | 21 Speakers | 21 New Discoveries of your Magic

What is A Clair Mindset?

A Clair Mindset is a lifestyle of surrendering full trust over to the Universe, even when you cannot sense where you are going next.

We step out of our physical vessels and bring in our Clair’s to allow us to communicate with the energies around us, to guide us, and support us. 

We alchemize the illusion of our reality by deepening our connection with trust. 

There is more to this magical life than what your physical senses tell you!

The Divine Feminine wants to uncover the key to unlocking her Clair's and embody the Universal Energy that surrounds her.

What are you here to discover?

What are you here to heal?

What are you here to allow?

Your Soul desires a deeper connection with you, to guide you on this journey as you are seeking answers and understanding.

We use our Clair's to experience the energy of the Universe and our Soul.
Your Soul speaks to you in the energy of Truth and Trust.
All you have to do openlisten and believe


I Would Love

To Invite You to Accompany Us

As we journey to discover and activate our 
Clair Mindset

At this Summit, you can expect to leave with

  • A more profound connection with self

  • Healing of the trust wound and deeper self-trust 

  • Security in embracing one's authenticity

  • How to live in A Clair Mindset

  • A new connection with the Universe 

  • A better understanding of the Clairs and how to activate and work with them daily.

  • How to clear energy and center self

  • Connected interpretation of one's truth rather than the stories we have been told

Our Speakers

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Megan Husby

Reiki and Hypnotherapy to enhance your spiritual journey


Shante' MorgAnerson

Intergallactic Trust

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Kristina Casarez

Intuition As Reflection

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Itshak Beery

How to develop trust in Spirit messages

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Melissa Warwick

Taking Back Your Power Through Kundalini Yoga

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Maren Nelson

Emotional Energy

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Lettie Sullivan

Art of Multidimensional Living

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Kylie Nel

How to rewire your subconscious mind to manifest more success, money and fulfilment in your life.

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Jeanie Manchester

Awaken, Heal & Step Boldly Into Your Life's Purpose

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How To Live & Lead Your Life With A Full Body YES


Candice Johnson

Encoding Trust

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Amanda Rae

The path of holistic recovery

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BobbieJo Stuff

Patterning Your Repetition Compulsion

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Anna Kowalska

The Spirit of Trust

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Andreea Tamas

Living a life without limits


Andrea Queen

Returning to Emotional Wisdom

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Mary Gooden

Patterning Your Repetition Compulsion


Deborah Merced

Loving Yourself

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Tristin Storme

Know thy "selves"

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Erika Straub

Becoming Emotionally Available

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Brian Kelly

The Ultimate Reset


Salome Fornier Hanlon

The Magic of Language


Presented by Julianna Whitlow,
Founder & CEO at A Clair Mindset.

Finding and navigating your spiritual path and your journey to inner wholeness can be confusing, lonely, and at times, make you feel you are losing your mind. Or that’s how it was for me at least.


Your journey never ends and your growth and gifts are limitless. I learned as, every time I think I would fit in a box or have name for what I do, I would learn something new. This journey through your spirituality, is a beautiful one. I am simply here to help illuminate the path for you.


Now our journey to inner wholeness! This is finding true acceptance, unconditional love, and trust within you. This is probably for me, the most difficult part. I have had many stumbles and falls on this journey. My goal, is to help you find your way to inner wholeness and accept the beautiful, powerful, and loveable soul you truly are.

Clair Mindset
October 10th - November 7th

21 Days   21 Speakers  supporting you to 

Transform your Truth

Transform your Trust

Transform your Reality

LIVE A Clair Mindset


21 Days of Activation, Energetic Shifting, Clarity, Spiritual Awakening, and Discovery…


I want to join the Summit,
Sign me up!

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©2021 by A Clair Mindset

All information provided on this website is intended to be educational and is not a replacement or substitute for legal, psychological, financial, medical, or business advice. You are responsible for all decisions and actions you take with any information you read or receive during a session or event.

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